Mondays are one of the most difficult days in my opinion to skip a workout for two reasons. If you work out in the mornings like me, it only takes two seconds to press snooze and decide that getting that extra hour of sleep will benefit you more than the workout throughout your day. If you’re someone that exercises in the evenings, well then chances are you had a hectic day getting back into the swing of things and relaxing on the couch sounds way better than going to the gym.
I believe that when it comes to the start of the week, half the battle is showing up and the other half is showing up with a plan. We have a lot to think about on Sunday when preparing for the week ahead & that’s where I can and want to help - by providing you with weekly challenges to get yourself moving! Every other Monday, I will provide you with two workout challenges so you have a plan for the two weeks ahead when that decision comes to hit the gym or sleep in/relax on the couch.
Mondays are SO important to start off the week. The sense of accomplishment you feel at the start of the week after completing a workout challenge only will further motivate you and provide confidence that you’re able to tackle other obstacles the rest of the week in other areas of your life too!
How do you want your week to go? Do you want to set a tone that is productive, positive, and confident? Remember…half the battle is making the decision to show up!
Week 1 Workout Challenge - Complete the exercises below for the amount of repetitions specified & Record Your Time to Track Your Progress in Future Weeks
Week 2 Workout Challenge – Complete the exercises below for 100 repetitions in total each & record your time to track your progress in future weeks. Note that you can break these up however you want! Normally I do 5 rounds of 20 repetitions each to make 100 Total
- 100 High Knees (Right + Left = 1 Rep).
- 90 Walking Lunges (45 each leg)
- 80 Mountain Climbers (Right + Left = 1 Rep)
- 70 Squats
- 60 Second Plank
- 50 Ab Bicycles (Right + Left = 1 Rep)
- 40 Leg Raises
- 30 Tricep Dips
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 Burpees

- Burpees without the Push Up (100)
- Push Ups (100)
- Squats (100)
- Sit Ups (100)