Monday is the easiest day of the week to fall into self-criticism. When we’ve had a “bad weekend”, it becomes simple to believe that we’ve ruined all of our progress when it comes to eating healthy & getting enough exercise because of the decisions we made over the weekend.
One thing that I heard from Jill Coleman years ago that has stuck with me is that a single day, week, or even month will not break or make a physique for the long-term. Does eating healthy and exercising for a few days straight change your body? It works the same way in the other direction. Having a few off days will not jeopardize all of your hard work, so be kind to yourself! It’s a brand new week and opportunity to start fresh! It doesn’t have to be a domino effect and you CAN turn it around. Here are two new workout challenges to get you back on track!
- Nora
Weekly Challenge – 3/11:
Repeat the entire circuit below 3x:
- 60 second plank
- 50 Squats
- 40 Lunges
- 30 Sit Ups
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 Burpees
Weekly Challenge – 3/18:
Repeat each circuit below 3x:
Circuit 1:
- 60 Second Squat Jumps
- 45 Second Squats
- 30 Second Squat Pulses
Circuit 2:
- 60 Second Lunge Jumps
- 45 Second Alternating Lunges
- 30 Second Lunge Pulses (each side)
Circuit 3:
- 60 Second Burpees
- 45 Second Ab Snaps
- 30 Second Push Ups