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By Suja Juice

Suja Goes to the Natural Products Expo West

Suja’s First Natural Products Expo Exhibition

A few weeks ago, Team Suja took their very first trip to Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA! For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Natural Products Expo West is the largest tradeshow for the natural, organic and healthy products industry. And 2013 marked the 33rd annual Natural Products Expo West, with more than 2,500 exhibitors in five halls — the largest number of companies ever represented at the show! This was a huge opportunity for Suja to get our juices in front of buyers within the natural and organic products industry from all over the country! Let me just say, the weekend was a blast. We spent each day on the show floor handing out samples and educating people on our cold-pressed, organic, non-GMO juices. Suja was incredibly well-received and we made a lot of exciting new relationships. We even hosted a “Happy Hour” on Saturday from 3-6pm where we mixed champagne with our Spark and Fuel juices. Yum! Annie and Jessica Suja samples

Tell Us What You Think

Did you see us at Natural Products Expo West or any other fun new products? Tell us in the comments below! Suja Juice