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By Suja Juice

Take Charge of Your Morning Routine with Organic Greens

Let’s face it—sometimes we feel a burst of inspiration to simply be “healthier.” We might make elaborate resolutions or completely transform our day-to-day lives to feel our best. But sometimes these grand goals might become “paralyzing,” when they don’t actually need to be. Setting achievable, micro goals, like switching up your morning routine, could transform your overall wellness and lifestyle. If you’re curious about how to life hack your morning routine with Suja’s NEW Organic Greens powder, let’s dive in.

First, Let’s Talk Organic Greens 101

Our all-in-one superfood and vitamin blend, Organic Greens, is the easiest (and most affordable) way to get a full serving of organic veggies in seconds, without compromising flavor. Organic Greens also contains 40+ whole-food greens, fruits, & mushrooms enhanced with 15+ essential vitamins and minerals. Our functional blend includes:
  • One full serving of diverse greens (kale, broccoli, spinach)
  • Antioxidant-rich fruits (blueberries, blackberries, spirulina)
  • Adaptogens & Functionals Mushrooms (Moringa, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, Shitake, Turkey Tail)

How Organic Greens Can Uplevel Your Morning Routine

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, busy business professional, or motivated mama on the run, we can all find ways to build healthier habits. Devising a wellness-driven morning routine might be the “catalyst” you need to tackle your day and feel like the best version of yourself. With one scoop of our all-in-one nutrition powder right in the morning, you can feel the energy, immunity, and digestion straight from nature. This is how it works:

Increase overall energy production

In addition to all of the energizing nutrients you get in one scoop, each serving is packed with “green coffee extract” that contains more chlorogenic acid than roasted coffee (linked to several health benefits). This extract also has less caffeine than your average cup of coffee, so you won’t be bouncing off the walls in the morning. You can even consider ditching the coffee and just using Organic Greens as a balanced, daily energy source without the jitters.

Support & defend the immune system

With a potent source of Vitamin B, A, C, D, and E, antioxidant-rich fruits, and immune-supporting mushrooms, Organic Greens is a protective layer for your immune system, no matter what the season is. This combo is also essential for your nervous system.

Bolster digestive health & balance

Our superfood blend is loaded with nutrient-dense superfoods and probiotics that strengthen your microbiome—ultimately leading to better digestive health. Drinking Organic Greens right away in the morning helps your body absorb these nutrients quicker.

Why Take Organic Greens in the Morning?

Although you can take Organic Greens at any point throughout your day, here are the top three reasons why it could be more effective in the AM:
  1. You simply have more time in the morning—taking in the AM might ensure consistency.
  2. It provides peace of mind knowing you’ve consumed your nutritional insurance right away.
  3. You get a natural energy boost that persists throughout the day.

Take Charge of Your Morning Routine with Organic Greens

Overall, starting your day on the right foot with Organic Greens could help you build healthier habits. Again, making more micro resolutions like life hacking your morning routine could be the best place to start. Take charge of your morning routine now and shop Organic Greens today!