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By Suja Juice

6 Super Sources of Omega 3-s

Super Sources of Omega-3Omega-3's do a body good! These polyunsaturated fats, which play a crucial role in how your body's cells function, have been shown to reduce harmful inflammation that could lead to heart disease, decrease triglyceride levels and blood pressure, and prevent fatal heart arrhythmias. Your body can't produce omega-3s, though, so have to make sure you're eating a diet that's chock full of them. Not to worry though, it's easy when the sources are this delicious! (1) Here are our 6 favorite sources of omega-3s:

Flaxseed: Just 2 tbsp of flaxseed can help you meet your daily needs. (2)

Wild Salmon: Boasts 1,060 mg of omega-3s per 3-ounce serving! (3)

Walnuts: 1/4 cup of walnuts contains about 91% of the daily value needed. (4)

Chia Seeds: The oil in the seeds contains more than 60% Omega-3s (5)

Spinach: One cup of boiled spinach has 10 percent of the daily requirement. (6)

Kale: The healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids keep your body strong! (7)


Suja Juice

  1. "8 Easy Ways to Load Up on Healthy Omega-3 Fats." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 4 Apr. 2011. Web.
  2. "Flaxseed Health Benefits, Food Sources, Recipes, and Tips for Using It." WebMD. WebMD, 2 July 2011. Web.
  3. "Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids." 6 Oct. 2016. Web.
  4. "Walnuts for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)." LivingRheum. Living Rheum INC., 1 Feb. 2015. Web.
  5. Ware, M. (2015, March 26). What are the health benefits of chia seeds? Retrieved from
  6. "What's New and Beneficial About Spinach." Spinach. The George Mateljan Foundation. Web. 3 Oct. 2015.
  7. Ware, M. (2015, June 1). Kale: Health Benefits, Uses and Risks. Retrieved August 3, 2015, from