Here at Suja, we’re all about showering mother earth with TLC all year long! Preserving our
environment and consciously moving towards more sustainable practices is part of our blueprint!
So since we’re in April (aka Earth Month) we want to inspire you to take more earth-friendly actions. We also want to share how sipping Suja juice in the comfort of your own home supports our partnership with the planet.
organizations you can give back to, whether it’s in a monetary way or simply by volunteering your time. You can even donate your unused items to local charities to cut down on waste!
At Suja, we’re committed to doing our part through our partnership with Kiss The Ground — a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit with an unwavering mission to educate people around regenerative practices. This also includes supporting Farmland Program — providing farmers and ranchers with access to soil health training, funding opportunities, educational resources, and a growing community of land stewards.
5. Exercise that green thumb: As MAJOR plant lovers ourselves, we’re huge advocates for planting whatever your heart desires! Consider planting a citrus tree that not only produces a good source of oxygen, but also infuses your drinking water with flavor. Any type of tree will always help keep the air clear by filtering pollutants and preserving water levels in soil.
If you have children, try starting a garden filled with your favorite veggies, fruits, or herbs. This is such an accessible way to limit unwanted grocery store runs, while reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a complete win-win if you ask us!
Even though April is Earth Month, we want to inspire you to take environmentally-friendly actions daily and make these small habits part of your life ritual.
Lastly, by choosing to drink Suja and actively following recycling best practices, you’re doing your part and supporting a more sustainable, thriving future for our planet!
For info on curbside recycling or for local store drop off locations visit:

Here are 5 ways you can celebrate Earth Day & honor mother earth this month:
1. Recycle the smart way: Upcycling and recycling is woven throughout our brand’s DNA! When we choose to recycle as a collective, we naturally cut down on the amount of resources it requires to create new products, lessening impact on the environment! Did you know that it takes 95 percent less energy to manufacture products out of recycled materials? Also by reusing materials, we’re keeping them out of landfills and preserving the natural environment. This is exactly why we’re huge proponents of recycling at Suja! To ensure your Suja juice correctly enters back into the cycle, all you have to do is empty the remaining contents after drinking, remove the label and discard that label in a waste bin. After replacing the cap, ta da! You’re all ready to recycle! This process covers all of our shot, single-serve, and multi-serve bottles that can be recycled in most curbside programs. Even our cardboard boxes can be recycled by following all of the right steps. To learn more about recycling the items that require store drop off, go to 2. Start a community cleanup: It’s no secret that the overflow of trash and pollution is threatening our livelihood on this shared planet. Along with dialing in on your recycling game, one of the best earth-friendly actions we can take is coordinating a small trash pick up neighborhood event. Not only are you fostering community involvement, but you’re improving habitats and limiting unthinkable harm towards wildlife. Consider going to more populated environments like the beach, community parks, and local trails to make an even larger impact. Lastly, if you can’t spearhead your own community stroll, you can do a quick google search to find several organized cleanups near you! 3. Think twice before driving: Maybe you need to make a quick pit stop at the neighborhood grocery store, or visit a friend down the street. Instead of putting the keys in the ignition, consider strapping on your walking shoes first, or grabbing a bike instead. Not only is this a powerful way to lessen carbon emissions, but you’re simultaneously getting a good sweat sesh in! Thinking about alternate modes of transportation can certainly make a profound environmental impact. 4. Give back the green way: There are so many sustainably-focused philanthropies and